Modena Utah

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Modena Utah

Modena Utah

Modena, Utah was a railroad town in its heyday nearly sixty miles west of Cedar City, Utah on State Route 56. It is a tranquil little town now as its lively times has since been over. Changing times have taken its toll on yet another old railroad town.

The Union Pacific - Salt Lake Valley, Utah and Los Angles, and the California line.
For six years Modena, Utah was southern terminus of the Oregon Short Line Railroad.

Modena' location was a natural place for a town site and shipping point to Iron County and all the southern Utah and Nevada towns. As the railroad grew and moved on Modena lost its population. The people went to where the jobs were.

Today, only a handful of residents, a tiny grocery store, and a few old buildings are evidence of the once lively and bustling town of Modena, Utah.

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