Southern Utah Sand Dunes

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Scenic Utah
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Grand Staircase
Sand Dunes
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Southern Utah Sand Dunes

Little Sahara Sand Dunes Recreation Area:
The Little Sahara Sand Dunes Recreation Area is a place where you can see one of the largest dune fields in Utah. Most of the sand at Little Sahara Dunes is the result of deposits left by the Sevier River, ultimately creating 60,000 acres of giant free-moving sand dunes.
Little Sahara Sand Dunes is not just for one type of riding ATV', with nearly 60,000 acres of sand dunes trails and sagebrush flats.

Sand Mountain:
Sand Mountain is a wall of sand nearly 700 feet high. This will provide the ultimate challenge to rider and machine.

White Sand Dunes:
Easy access to the dunes and plentiful riding bowls attract riders of all abilities.

Dunes of Black Mountain:
The Dunes of Black Mountain are low-lying dunes that provide good terrain for beginners. A network of dirt trails offer excellent trail riding for just about any off road vehicle.

Carol Park Sand Dunes:
The Carol Park Sand Dunes is a sweeping expanse of dunes, a massive playground for hikers, and off road enthusiasts, or for people just playing in the sand. Having 1,000 acres of play area and hundreds of miles of trails in the nearby vicinity gives plenty of variety for everyone. The Carol Park Sand Dunes are breathtaking with fine Salmon colored grains of coral pink sand surrounded by Red Sandstone cliffs, blue skies, and the green forests.
The Carol Park Sand Dunes State Park is a wonderful reason for heading to southern Utah for a vacation.

Sand Flats:
The Sand Flats area is the gateway to some of the most famous recreational opportunities in the Moab area. The Sand Flats are the most famous for the slick rock, petrified sand dunes which rise and fall like waves of pink stone. There are many canyons, caves, and hills to explore.

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