
Cedar City, Utah
Iron County
Historic Sites
Land Sales
Scenic Utah
Washington County



Canyoneering is a sport fast becoming an exciting way to see southern Utah.

How about dropping into a slot canyon? Absolutely fantastic! "Like you are on a journey to the center of the earth". Canyoneering is not for everyone. Take time for lessons and learn the area first.
Plan to go with someone who has been in the canyon before.

Repelling and climbing skills are very important things to know. Being prepared is a must.

Weather changes here quickly. Know what to look for. You will need to carry clothing for wet and cold. Layering is a must for climate changes.

Water and energy food is most important. Practice rope-handling techniques, anchoring, and repelling before you go.
Sand will chew through ropes and equipment if you are not careful.

Do the easy canyons first keeping your group small.
If you are skilled, gather as much information on the area as you can. You will have the time of your life.

You can ask for help and information at any mountain sports center.

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